Archive for the ‘wedding border’ Category

Watch as the amazing fast hand of Herman draws 2 girls on broomsticks playing Quiddich

October 20, 2012

Caricatures or Quick Personality Portraits Are Huge Hit at Weddings

October 16, 2012

Tiffany Blue Box Party Theme

October 21, 2009

quick cartoon at party by Philip Herman drawn onto pre-printed Tiffany-style blue box design
quick cartoon at party by Philip Herman drawn onto pre-printed Tiffany-style blue box design

sometimes Herman designs special paper for the party theme, like this Tiffany-style blue box
sometimes Herman designs special paper for the party theme, like this Tiffany-style blue box
Herman drew heads&shoulders of each guest onto the specially themed paper
Herman drew heads&shoulders of each guest onto the specially themed paper

each guest was drawn as if he/she had popped out of a Tiffany-style blue box
each guest was drawn as if he/she had popped out of a Tiffany-style blue box
the specially designed and printed paper has the names of the guests-of-honor written on the ribbon
the specially designed and printed paper has the names of the guests-of-honor written on the ribbon
when there are lots of people to be drawn, Herman can work in black&white
when there are lots of people to be drawn, Herman can work in black&white

When there are lots of people to be drawn in limited time, or if the client wants the paper to compliment the theme of the party; Herman can design and print what he calls a Quikmat. In this case the TIFFANY BLUE BOX was the color theme of the party; so Herman made special paper that worked with his drawings so that each guest appeared to be popping out of the blue box.

Caricatures At Weddings Big Hit

August 17, 2009

Herman drew caricature/portraits at two weddings this past weekend. Both events had special theme paper requested by the bride

Before rushing off for the honeymoon, the bride & groom sat to be immortalized by Herman

Before rushing off for the honeymoon, the bride & groom sat to be immortalized by Herman

Most guests sat together as couples to be drawn by Herman

Most guests sat together as couples to be drawn by Herman

Girl shows off her Herman

Girl shows off her Herman

Irving is always 'dancing with the stars' in his head

Irving is always 'dancing with the stars' in his head

Birthday Party at Famous Restaurant in Yonkers

October 20, 2008

Have you experienced downtown Yonkers, New York lately? Check out this classy mural down near the waterfront.


The view of the Hudson River is fabulous, also. Right next to the unusual restaurant, X2O.


Party Artist Philip Herman was at X2O last weekend drawing personality portraits of the guests. This first gentleman is a diamond grader, French, and an immaculate dresser.


The next woman is a MediaDiva ( patent and copyright pending )


This last sample is a romantic couple who wanted to be drawn crossing the 7 mile bridge in the Florida Keyes while dolphins and sea turtles frollicked.